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Keeps your Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) operating efficiently !!!
Microbial Activated Sewage Treatment (MAST)
Bugs that eat poop & paper! Got a stinker? Here’s a fix!
Spent any quality time clearing a Marine Sanitation Device?

EatsCRAP dissolving baggies: #EC101 EatsCRAP Bio Booster
Get a 50,100 or 200 pack of EatsCRAP today & let the party begin!
They love the CACA.

​Supercharges your Type ll MSD system. It reduces odors too by super-populating your MSD with aerobic bacteria…which in turn reduces the odor causing anaerobic bacteria.

Biological Type II MSD and/or Septic System Tank Treatment
  • Non-Pathogenic
  • Non-Toxic
  • Non-Corrosive
  • Non-Caustic
  • 100% Natural occurring organic bacteria that digest poop and paper.

​EatsCRAP BIO BOOSTER supercharger is designed to instantly increase system capability. Revitalizes your system QUICKLY by introducing tens of billions of hungry little mouths.
All of the Type ll Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD’s) on the market today are all well designed and engineered to be as efficient and maintenance-free as possible, BUT they still depend on naturally occurring microbes to digest the solids, sludge and to eliminate odors.
While the number of these microbes (bugs) may be sufficient under normal—ideal conditions—there simply are not enough of them to deal with upset conditions. When you have “BUG or system KILL” in the MSD due to harsh cleaning chemicals, a bunch of antibiotics OR have an overload OR underload condition—the remedy is NOT to feed the natural population with dog food or even enzyme additions. Think about it!
Answer: MORE BUGS—more hungry mouths–EatsCRAP​ is LOTS more!

EatsCRAP supplies this answer by having the highest concentration of specifically blended natural microbes available for the marine industry. EatsCRAP has a microbe count of over 100 billion hungry little mouths that EatsCRAP—more than a thousand times MORE than any other product we’ve ever heard of. With this massive reinforcement of microbes—an out of balance, overloaded or just plain “sour” MSD will get closer to and/or keep in peak balance and efficiency—FAST. Of course, you also have to add some common sense.
Don’t throw the kids in an acid pool.
Keeps your Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) operating efficiently !!!
Microbial Activated Sewage Treatment (MAST)
Bugs that eat poop & paper! Got a stinker? Here’s a fix!
Spent any quality time clearing a Marine Sanitation Device?

EatsCRAP dissolving baggies: #EC101 EatsCRAP Bio Booster
Get a 50,100 or 200 pack of EatsCRAP today & let the party begin!
They love the CACA.
​Supercharges your Type ll MSD system. It reduces odors too by super-populating your MSD with aerobic bacteria…which in turn reduces the odor causing anaerobic bacteria.
Biological Type II MSD and/or Septic System Tank Treatment
100% Natural occurring organic bacteria that digest poop and paper.
EatsCRAP BIO BOOSTER supercharger is designed to instantly increase system capability. Revitalizes your system QUICKLY by introducing tens of billions of hungry little mouths.
All of the Type ll Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD’s) on the market today are all well designed and engineered to be as efficient and maintenance-free as possible, BUT they still depend on naturally occurring microbes to digest the solids, sludge and to eliminate odors.
While the number of these microbes (bugs) may be sufficient under normal—ideal conditions—there simply are not enough of them to deal with upset conditions. When you have “BUG or system KILL” in the MSD due to harsh cleaning chemicals, a bunch of antibiotics OR have an overload OR underload condition—the remedy is NOT to feed the natural population with dog food or even enzyme additions. Think about it!
Answer: MORE BUGS—more hungry mouths—EATScrap is LOTS more!

EatsCRAP supplies this answer by having the highest concentration of specifically blended natural microbes available for the marine industry. EatsCRAP has a microbe count of over 100 billion hungry little mouths that EATScrap—more than a thousand times MORE than any other product we’ve ever heard of. With this massive reinforcement of microbes—an out of balance, overloaded or just plain “sour” MSD will get closer to and/or keep in peak balance and efficiency—FAST. Of course, you also have to add some common sense.
Don’t throw the kids in an acid pool.

EatsCRAP comes in EZ-to-use 1/8 lb. (2 oz.) dissolving bags.
Pitch it right in the crapper. Goes to work fast.
Four packs are enough to SUPER-POPULATE most MSDs.
Sorry we don’t have pictures–
it’s hard to get them to hold still and they’re soooo small.
EatsCRAP microbio-booster:
Environmentally SAFE
Reduces Solids
Eliminates Odors
Increases Efficiency
Protein Digesting Bacteria
Starch Digesting Bacteria
Cellulose Digesting Bacteria
Lipid Digesting Bacteria
Grease Digesting Bacteria
Detergent Digesting Bacteria
​EatsCRAP is a natural, biological treatment system for Marine sanitation systems and home septic systems that digests solid organic wastes, grease, fats and oils that accumulate in septic tanks and keeps them free flowing.

EatsCRAP is a live, synergistic blend of all natural, Class 1 bacteria specifically chosen for their accelerated ability to metabolize solids, greases, fats, proteins, lipids and detergents into carbon dioxide and water.

EatsCRAP will reduce maintenance of the septic tank and also eliminate the foul odors associated with the buildup of organic wastes.

EatsCRAP is available in wholly concentrated industrial strength for commercial use. Biological leaching field recovery is also available.

EatsCRAP can also be used to safely keep all marine drain lines clean and free flowing.

EatsCRAP is an industrial strength product for marine, commercial and industrial use. It can also be utilized in low-tech applications such as industrial septic systems, lagoons, and settling ponds.

EatsCRAP is a ready to use granular product packaged in convenient 2 oz. dissolving bags—throw it in the toilet (crapper) or right in the MSD or septic system.

EatsCRAP will enable new or recently cleaned MSDs to be immediately effective, with proper dosage, and eliminate the waiting period associated with naturally occurring microbes. Instant population.

EatsCRAP will, with proper dosage, enable “sour” MSDs to be remediated to efficient levels without the time consuming and unpleasant cleanout procedures now used. Keeps your hands out of the toilet and the poop! Poop happen…but you don’t need to hadle it!

EatsCRAP​ has an indefinite shelf life so long as it’s kept dry.

EatsCRAP Material Safety Data Sheet