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Waste Water Evaporators

Industrial and Commercial Marine Waste Water Evaporators

Waste water evaporators are the “end game”for dealing with troublesome or inconvenient waste water streams. We originally started out in 95′ with making specialty electric powered evaporator for tugboats and other workboats—for evaporating their bilge water away. These boats like everyone else since 1990 and OPA 90 came into existence cannot put more than 15 ppm of oil into the waters.

Industry is making more and more nasty waste water streams that are tough and prohibitive to treat for release, while evaporation can still be a viable alternative, despite high energy costs.

No Discharge is a good discharge!
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is the HOLY GRAIL for any water intensive operations or anyone on the water. Consider 1 gallon of contaminated water dumped into 1000 gallons, creates 1001 gallons of contaminated water. Diluted by a factor of 1000, it’s still contaminated water. This is especially critical for anyone who has to use or reuse that water let alone the marine industry who has to be on that water. Let alone the fishing or aquaculture industries who bring us our food from the water. Who drinks this water? It’s not here yet, but ZLD is getting closer all the time.
We have electric, natural gas/propane and oil fired evaporators.
Marine Bilge and Gray Water Evaporators


SkimoIL’s (BilgeVAP) is the answer to the marine waste water management requirements presented by the new EPA enforcement of the Clean Water Act. The Marine Water Evaporator by Skimoil evaporates away the water portion of oily bilge water, gray water and even treated black water coming off of Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD) allowing workboats, barges and even shore facilities to become no discharge zones.
Bilge Water, Gray Water, Treated Black Water–Zero Liquid Discharge

MarineVAP–Bilge and Gray Water Evaporator System

SkimOIL’s zero liquid discharge Bilge and Gray Water Evaporator system (MarineVAP) is a completely marinized, simple device and the logical successor to the SkimOil Marine Water Evaporator that has been successfully used for years to eliminate oily bilge water. Our technology is mature and has been well proven, and now the materials and controls are even better. The electric-powered Bilge and Gray Water Evaporator System (MarineVAP), with no emissions, is the “final solution” to managing bilge and gray waters. Bilge and Gray Water Evaporator safely and automatically turns waste water to vapor and evaporates it away. Gray water is often the largest waste stream on board modern workboats. This evaporator eliminates the problem.
Industrial Waste Water Evaporators

ShoreVAP—-Gas Fired Waste Water Evaporator

The (ShoreVAP) uses gas heat in combination with a power exhaust system to evaporate the water content of most nonvolatile liquids, releasing the moisture safely into the air. By reducing the volume of the liquid, leaving only a small amount of residue for disposal, the Waste Water Evaporators produce major savings in: Disposal Costs, Labor Handling Time, Storage Space, Disposal Frequency, Reduction or Elimination of Sewer Permits. The gas fired Waste Water Evaporator operate on as little as $0.05 per gallon evaporated. Construction includes our rugged 3/8” tank-top frames and heavy 12 gauge tanks of carbon steel, 316L stainless steel, or other alloys.

Oil Fueled EVAPORATOR—-Oil or Gas Fired Waste Water Evaporator

Oil Fueled Evaporator is a wastewater evaporation system designed specifically to run on diesel/fuel oil or waste oils. The Oil Fueled Evaporator wastewater evaporation system can be effectively used to economically evaporate any industrial wastewaters — all you need is fuel oil, diesel or waste oils. This VERY efficient wastewater evaporator has simple controls, redundant triple safety shutoffs and the ability to burn away waste oils — while evaporating wastewaters, giving you the potential of ZERO Liquid Discharge. The Oil Fueled Evaporator comes in sizes for use on workboats, barges, terminals, ships, boatyards, shore facilities, dredges, drilling rigs, oil platforms, fuel flats, OSVs etc.

ConEVAP—-Waste Water & Air Compressor Condensate Oil Water Separator Evaporator

The ConEVAP is a thermostatically controlled, electrically heated evaporation unit that separates air compressor condensate from spent compressor lubricant. The condensate water leaves the unit as atmospheric steam and the lubricant is periodically drained from the unit. The ConEVAP™ oil water separator handles a broad variety of synthetic (polyglycol, diester, synthetic hydrocarbons, silicone, polyester and mixtures thereof) and petroleum based compressor lubricants. ConEVAP™ offers an economical alternative to having your condensate hauled away by a licensed disposal company. The ConEVAP™ heating elements and control mechanisms utilize off-the-shelf components which simplifies spare parts replacement.
Our BilgeVAP is a simple electric powered atmospheric evaporator for use on a boat or on shore. Being electric powered is has no emissions—–other than the upstream emissions where the electricity is actually generated. The simple BilgeVAP (circa 2000) is created with Bubba Proof controls and operation. It’s hard to screw up something this simple—-but it’s an admitted energy hog. It takes a bunch of power to evaporate water .

After the BilgeVAP we introduced our ShoreVAP gas powered atmospheric evaporator, used mostly for industrial waste water evaporation. At last here was an economical evaporator for industry. It’s rugged, reliable and with simple controls and few moving parts-can be used almost anywhere.
Water is water at 211 degrees and goes to vapor at 212! For brute force simple waste water evaporation, see the simple, simple -maybe even stupid ShoreVAP.

A few years back everybody on the water was simply dumping all their gray water and treated black water overboard, but our sins started catching up with us, in the form of algae blooms and dead fish. Finally the marine / maritime industry woke up and realized they were too much just dumping junk into the very water they made a living on. In 2008 the EPA was successfully sued to begin enforcement of the Clean Water Act for the marine industry. This was the birth of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) that is now dead having morphed into SubChaper M, and the beginning of the end of just dumping all your water overboard.

Enter the MarineVAP, our next generation, automatic smart evaporator system that handles and evaporates all the onboard waste waters-and does it clean and neat. MarineVAP is electric powered and comes in 7 sizes up to 25 gallons per hour evaporation rate. This new MarineVAP is loaded with redundant safety shutoffs and thermostats and plenty of monitoring / control points. This is an evaporator that you can put on auto-pilot on a boat or in a Nuke plant or —-maybe your place.
Got water? How about ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE?

We saved the best for last here. Our OilEaterVAP is an oil (or gas) fired evaporator, that can run on diesel or fuel oil-AND can have an auxiliary burner that can run on natural gas/propane or even waste oil (or the opposite). The OilEaterVAP will deliver between 15 and 20 gallons of evaporation for every gallon of oil burned……..and you can use it to get rid of used/waste oils. This is a serious evaporator—-designed by a genius engineer STATE OF THE ART.
For industries that create a lot of waste oil or have water contaminated fuel—this could be several solutions—-to several problems. Consider you can use oil or natural gas as a primary fuel..and supplement that with Evaporate your water away!. Get rid of your waste oil. ZLD in it’s best form.

To view a list of No Discharge Zones (NDZ) by State, Click Here.