+1 (314) 579-9755


Oil Skimmers – Waste water Evaporators – Oil Water Separators – Incinerators – Oil Detection– Marine Equipment – WWTP.

​SkimOIL, LLC is a specialty design/custom manufacturer-builder, and distributor of marine and industrial pollution control equipment and systems.

We get Stuff out of water, oil and fuel!

We specialize in all types of industrial oil skimmers and oil water separators. With just a few exceptions almost everything we do touches on oil somehow.​In addition to our “on the shelf” equipment, what you’ll find here is our made-to-order SkimOIL equipment, or our “Separator Systems” or “BRUTE” series of hardened commercial marine and industrial waste water treatment equipment and systems .


About you: Our usual customers are the petro industry, refineries, wells and oil platforms, steel mills, ocean shipping, tugboats, power plants, utilities, metal fabricators, and chemical and wastewater treatment plants and even food oil & products processors and more. All of these have dirty water to deal with and can use some outside help to fix some problems.Hire SkimOIL as your oily water consultants.

About Us: We’ve been doing this since 1990. We’ve learned a lot! All SkimOIL products are quality made in the USA.Skimming and separation equipment sales and consulting.

There’s a lot of oil and dirty water out there that has to be cleaned up!

SkimOIL systems are built to specifically address your particular problem and concerns, through the use of our existing specialty, unique and innovative equipment or technologies that can be used right off the shelf or modified, configured or otherwise packaged, to fit your needs.

Job #1 is always “Get the oil off the water NOW!

Got an oily water problem? Call Skim OIL now! Oil
skimmers and oil water separators in stock!

Consider — almost every elevator in the USA has a pit under it to catch any oil that could leak into it. Our Oilsmart switches and Oilsmart alarms keep that oil from being pumped out into the environment. The Clean Water Act makes it illegal to put more than 15 ppm of oil into our waters. Big fine$ await polluters. We can help! Our regular day-to-day business is providing oil skimmers and oil water separators.

Cross- industry exposure and experience have taught us that most of the problems out there aren’t new; they’re just new or recycled versions of the same old stuff. That’s where we come in. We bring experience, specialized knowledge and technologies to your oil-water separator or oil skimmer project.

Since we’re not limited or married to any one oil skimmer or separator technology, we can objectively provide what is best for you and your application! WE LOVE OIL! We try to keep some basic skimmers and oil water separators in stock. Need it soon? Just Ask! Call us now: (314) 579-9755

Stop paying for oily water disposal now!

Oily Compressor Condensate : I’ve got it…now what do I do with it?

Click here

Pumping water to an oil water separator (OWS) the do’s and don’ts

Click here

Oily Bilge Water? What To Do With It?

Click here